Hi, I'm Ragu Neopaney
Ragu Neopaney
What I Do
I am a full-time senior student studying Computer Science at University of Cincinnati.
Ragu Neopaney
I am a full-time senior student studying Computer Science at University of Cincinnati.
I'm 5th year Computer Science student. I was born in Nepal.
Growing up I didn't had access to technology. During senior year of high school,
I took Web Development and Java class and that is where find my love for programming. Around end of the
final year in high school, me and my student partner worked on website for a client.It was local enginering group wanting to update their webpage. Link is at the bottom of this section. Now I mainly focusing
programming with C++. Sometimes I work with python so I don't forget the syntax of it.
Fast forward to 5th year at college. I now have experience of two full-time co-op. My first co-op was Emerson and Second on at Medpace.
I was able to learn a lot about software development and team work at Emerson. In addition to that, I picked up some technical skills like C#, .NET core/framework, Javascript and SQL.
At first large scale project look tougher but now when I started at Medpace I was able to on board quick. I already had experience
working on big project and Medpace used almost same technology stack as Emerson to build application. Some of the new things were
introduction to Azure cloud, Team Foundation Server and Angular.
Firt Client Project Link: Bartoszek Engineering
Computer Science student at University of Cincinnati
primary focus on
buliding applications with C++: Download Resume